Monday, February 27, 2006


Flickr For Public Relations

Interesting piece focused on public relations strategies integrating Flickr.

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Friday, February 24, 2006


Yet Another List of Web2.0

Pretty extensive list on Web2.0 Products & Services. Miss anything?

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Thursday, February 23, 2006


Internet Hip Hop Movie Marketing

This article is an interesting case study on the online guerilla marketing campaign for the movie Hustle and Flow. Lesson: think about geo targeting key zips to seed when on a limited budget.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006


A Addiction

Addictive tool. Not only is it practical for bookmarks and shared knowledge, but I'm also finding it immensely valuable for research and tracking certain conversations. Check out some ways to use it.

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Friday, February 17, 2006


A Friend Of Mine Went Crazy Over Moblogging

This shows the low barrier to entry to how simple (and cheap) it is to market oneself in this new day and age of online marketing. I told Adisa about blogging and he went absolutely crazy with it. He's a former contributor to The Source, Vibe, XXL, FHM, 4080, and other magazines as well as writing version two of his popular independently published book "Lyrical Swords". Check his moblogs where he interviews stars or just rants and raves about the latest issues. He now is featured in .

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SEO Checklist

Fairly good SEO checklist? May seem basic, but it's good to double check because basics aren't covered many times. There's a Google SEO checklist with 118 different factors. My guess: covering the lowest picked fruit first usually yields quite a bit of a return.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Leveraging The Power of Words

Frank Lutz is a corporate and political consultant who's specialty is testing language and discovering words that will help sell his clients product or turn public opinion on an issue or candidate. It's amazing how this guy helped re-shape the perception of the Republican party through his word research and wordsmithing. Imagine the power this carries in cutting through the clutter in this day and age of mass communications. After watching him on the Persuaders could something similar be done through Google Adwords to find trigger words? Lesson: write brainstorm ideas out without hesitation to encourage free flow ideas. Have to look at things with a different perspective to get the next big idea.

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Internet Marketing Notebook Influence

What influenced me to make my notes public? I read a book by Robert Rodriguez called Rebel Without A Crew that chronicled his journal entries during the making of El Mariachi. Book was great including the actual journal entries (type O's and all), the script, and one of his famous 10-minute directing schools . Fascinating to see how the whole Hollywood hype machine worked behind the scenes.


Music Marketing 2 : Utilizing Tagging

This company utilizes the tagging concept to track industry chatter on up and coming bands. Read how advertisers are increasingly trying to make sense of the discussions taking place on sites like (which I am becoming addicted to). Another little article on using for research Lesson: Monitor the chatter out on the Web to get closer to your customer.


Blogging Tool

Includes a few pretty cool resources, including this RSS button maker, to market a blog.

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The MySpace Marketing Machine

Interesting article on how MySpace is defining a new model in online marketing and brand building. Also read What MySpace Means To Marketers.

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Branding & Psychology : A Fascinating Approach

Fascinating article on how former child psychologist, Clotaire Rapaille, became a leading brand consultant to Fortune 100 companies using his particular method of getting inside consumers heads. Lesson: look past what is staring me in the face to find a fresh approach.

This interview was originally conducted on the PBS Frontline show, The Persuaders .

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Making Money With Your Blog

Everyone's asking about making money with their blog (ok not everyone, but two people asked me this week!). I'd be happy if anyone just extracted something useful from mine and I'd call it a career. Remember to read through this article and maybe get some ideas. Already spotted a marketing idea!


Viral Marketing and Buzz Marketing

Perusee through some agency sites to read about their case studies. Amazing how much is put out there for people to research and learn. Lesson: companies who share so much show they have full confidence and trust in what they do. An interesting site on viral and buzz case studies.


Web 2.0 Companies

If anyone asks you for an example of a Web2.0 company, just refer to this little chart. Go ahead and take your pick.


Music Marketing

I've always admired the guerilla marketing tactics used in the DJ / hip-hop culture. I remember partnering with an internationally reknowned DJ and organically building an online marketing strategy for him. Little did my partner and I know at the time that it would launch his career to another level (actually, quite a few levels). It was a fun time that allowed us to push the boundries and try new things. I'll be touching on this subject quite often. In the meantime, check out some of these sites as I think they're doing some interesting things to digitally market music:

Monday, February 13, 2006



A future advertising opportunity may be "tagvertising". As more sites add tagging features, we may soon see ad networks allowing advertisers to buy keywords across certain tags. Take a read through Steve Rubel's perspective.


Succeeding Being A Web 2.0 Company

Here's a great article on principles that govern being a Web2.0 company.


The Hype Around Web 2.0

What's all the hype around Web2.0? Tim O'Reilly gives a great background on it's origins and examples of Web 1.0 companies vs. Web 2.0 companies. Check it out.


The Big Advantage To Google Adwords

After using Google Adwords, I became obsessed with it. A unique thing about this program is that one can test things with such speedy precision. Marketing is about testing, testing, testing....and then more testing.

Google Adwords has revolutionized the advertising industry in many ways, but one of my favorites is the ability to split test two ads and measure the response to a tenth of a percent. Split test two landing pages on a website and see which one gets more orders or leads. You have full control over it: turn it on, and turn it off - instantly. It's fascinating to observe our tests because when someone searches and clicks on your ads on Google, this represents pure impulse reactions to your copy by the market . Another huge advantage to using Adwords is concept testing your product or idea. You can receive feedback ahead of time to see if you actually have a receptive market to your proposed product, service, or idea. This can save you potentially huge dollars.

A good rule of thumb for testing ads: wait for atleast 30 responses or more, under a consistent set of conditions, to be fairly sure within 5%. If it's anything less, the results to a supposed winning ad or a concept test could be simply based on luck. This rule can apply to a Web page, email, or other online advertising.

Check out this video tutorial on testing and tracking visitors:


Promoting Your Blog on Blogger

Blogs have a natural tendency to rank higher in search engines because of a few characteristics:

* have well-structured site architecture
* make use of anchor text linking
* are well linked
* are frequently updated
* are focused tightly around a narrow theme.

Add to this the ease of being able to get one-way links from several sites favored by the search engines, and you have two-thirds of the formula for a well-ranked blog.


Blog Marketing Case Study

Found this entry on someone who took one of his favorite TV celebrities, Bo Bice of American Idol 4, and marketed him through his blog to see how far it would go in the search engines. Interesting process and results.


My Internet Marketing Blog

Why am I blogging and adding more digital clutter to cyberspace? I'd have to say it's more for me to utilize this medium as my digital notebook. I like to use it for brainstorming scrawlling random and not-so-random thoughts down. Since my thoughts on the subject change so often, what better way to track them than through this digital notebook? This weblog provides a look and growing representation of my thoughts. It provides a glimpse into my marketing mind and personality that can't come across in a standard resume.

Since this is a collection of spur-of-the-moment thoughts on Internet marketing, as well as tidbits on other random subjects, please take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure there'll be things jotted down that others may scrutinze, and this is good if it spurs thought / discussion. I'm here to learn as well as offer insights.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to digitally logging my mental scramblings on Internet marketing and anything affecting it. Scuze me if I look a bit frazzled. Just another typical day online.


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