Monday, February 13, 2006


My Internet Marketing Blog

Why am I blogging and adding more digital clutter to cyberspace? I'd have to say it's more for me to utilize this medium as my digital notebook. I like to use it for brainstorming scrawlling random and not-so-random thoughts down. Since my thoughts on the subject change so often, what better way to track them than through this digital notebook? This weblog provides a look and growing representation of my thoughts. It provides a glimpse into my marketing mind and personality that can't come across in a standard resume.

Since this is a collection of spur-of-the-moment thoughts on Internet marketing, as well as tidbits on other random subjects, please take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure there'll be things jotted down that others may scrutinze, and this is good if it spurs thought / discussion. I'm here to learn as well as offer insights.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to digitally logging my mental scramblings on Internet marketing and anything affecting it. Scuze me if I look a bit frazzled. Just another typical day online.


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