Monday, February 13, 2006


The Big Advantage To Google Adwords

After using Google Adwords, I became obsessed with it. A unique thing about this program is that one can test things with such speedy precision. Marketing is about testing, testing, testing....and then more testing.

Google Adwords has revolutionized the advertising industry in many ways, but one of my favorites is the ability to split test two ads and measure the response to a tenth of a percent. Split test two landing pages on a website and see which one gets more orders or leads. You have full control over it: turn it on, and turn it off - instantly. It's fascinating to observe our tests because when someone searches and clicks on your ads on Google, this represents pure impulse reactions to your copy by the market . Another huge advantage to using Adwords is concept testing your product or idea. You can receive feedback ahead of time to see if you actually have a receptive market to your proposed product, service, or idea. This can save you potentially huge dollars.

A good rule of thumb for testing ads: wait for atleast 30 responses or more, under a consistent set of conditions, to be fairly sure within 5%. If it's anything less, the results to a supposed winning ad or a concept test could be simply based on luck. This rule can apply to a Web page, email, or other online advertising.

Check out this video tutorial on testing and tracking visitors:

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