Monday, June 22, 2009
The Real Time Search Race
The front runners to be the leader of Real Time Search:
Social Mention
Social Mention
Labels: competition, facebook, Google, realtime, search, Twitter
Friday, May 29, 2009
Twitter Users Tell Diddy To Back Your Ass Up!

Diddy starts yet another new trend. Although this one isn't one he probably wanted to start. After hitting 1 million followers, Sean "Diddy" Combs started seeing a backlash of "unfollowdiddy" tweets on the microblogging site. Interesting to see if this affects company brands in the future.
Labels: diddy, hiphop, tweets, Twitter, untweet
Friday, May 22, 2009
Giants Lack of Support
Giants hitters produced 6 runs in the last 4 games. Add that to Brian Wilson's 9.53ERA, 3 losses, and blown save. Kinda like producing 1 dollar after spending 2. WTF!!?
Labels: baseball, giants, loss, moneyball
Craziest Ping Pong Game
WTF kind of ping pong is this?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Who's The Most Popular UFC Star?

Who's the most popular UFC star? Check out this comparion between Lidell, Couture, and Lesnar. This may give us insight into why he got a title shot so quick and the big bucks. That's alot of searches that probably translates into alot of fans which translates into alot of bucks. So we can't say WTF
Labels: brocklesnar, chucklidell, randycouture, UFC
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fight Like A Champion Interview w/ Chris Leben

Just updated the latest Fight Like A Champion newsletter with UFC veteran Chris Leben. WTF? #6 is priceless! Out of all the interviews, this could be one of the best answers.
1) 5 favorite fighters to watch: Fedor, Randy Couture, Wanderlei Silva, Genki Sudo. And Chris Leben!
2) Favorite products: Green Vibrance (organic greens). And New-Whey (protein shots).
3) Favorite songs to train to: Good question! Shout at the Devil by Motley
Crue, anything by Slayer, Ministry, and Maiden!
4) Most common training mistakes you see: Undertraining, overtraining, not properly hydrating, over dieting.
5) Most common mistake during a fight: not utilizing the clinch properly, not
throwing knees properly, and not looking to pass guard.
6) Favorite technique combinations: Foot-to-face, fist-to-face, knee-to-face, get the idea.
7) Favorite drills & exercises: taking the back, getting up off bottom,
sprints, and swimming.
8) Favorite saying: It ain't over till it's over.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Facebook Stats

* General Growth: More than 175 million active users (this many already? WTF?)
* More than half of Facebook users are outside of college
* The fastest growing demographic is those 30 years old and older
and much more....
Labels: demographics, facebook, information, stats
25 Random Things About GE

WTF? GE joins in on the Facebook phenomenon with their own 25 Random Things. Guess it's a good way to stay relevant while branding.
Labels: 25things, facebook, GE, generalelectric
Pew Study on Twitter Updating Services

Study from Pew:
"As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others."
WTF? does this include Facebook? Would seem a little bit low with the combo of Twitter, Facebook, AND any other update services.
Advantages of Google Buying Twitter?

WTF are the implications of Google buying Twitter?
* integration of Twitter in Google search
* Twitter search being run by Google
* Twitter comments integrated with Google Alerts
* learn more for TrustRank through interrelationship of users
Most obvious place that Google would implement Twitter could be within Gmail just like they did w/ chat.
Labels: blog, blogging, Google, search, tweets, Twitter
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Using Social Media in Today's Job Market

Pretty relevant blog entry by Dan Schawbel, the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success and Personal Branding Blog:
7 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media