Monday, February 16, 2009
Fight Like A Champion Interview w/ Chris Leben

Just updated the latest Fight Like A Champion newsletter with UFC veteran Chris Leben. WTF? #6 is priceless! Out of all the interviews, this could be one of the best answers.
1) 5 favorite fighters to watch: Fedor, Randy Couture, Wanderlei Silva, Genki Sudo. And Chris Leben!
2) Favorite products: Green Vibrance (organic greens). And New-Whey (protein shots).
3) Favorite songs to train to: Good question! Shout at the Devil by Motley
Crue, anything by Slayer, Ministry, and Maiden!
4) Most common training mistakes you see: Undertraining, overtraining, not properly hydrating, over dieting.
5) Most common mistake during a fight: not utilizing the clinch properly, not
throwing knees properly, and not looking to pass guard.
6) Favorite technique combinations: Foot-to-face, fist-to-face, knee-to-face, get the idea.
7) Favorite drills & exercises: taking the back, getting up off bottom,
sprints, and swimming.
8) Favorite saying: It ain't over till it's over.